Frequently Asked Questions:
1.       Question:  How much does it cost to do decorations for a wedding?

Answer:   This is not a question that can be answered ‘off the bat’, as there a many factors e.g.  Venue, theme, size of guest list etc. need to be taken into consideration before a realistic figure can be arrived at.

2.       Question:   Is it really necessary to hire and Event Planner?
Answer:   There are many reasons why a bride/couple should hire a wedding planner; however the #1 reason is STRESS RELIEF
3.       Question:    How much do you charge for a wedding menu?

Answer:  This will have to be worked out between you and the caterer, and a few factors will need to be considered.
·         Your budget
·         The time of the wedding
·         The size of the wedding
·         The age group of the people attending the wedding
·         Your personal preferences

4.       Question:   How do we decide on the venue for the wedding?
Answer:  Your preference will be taken into consideration as well as the following things need to be considered:
·         The time of the year
·         The Theme
·         Any special needs of the main guests to the wedding
·         Proximity to the where most of the guests will be coming from

5.       Question:   Is it important to ask your guests to RSVP by a certain date?

Answer:    This is very important as each guest represents certain costs, and it’s important to have as accurate  an number of persons attending as it directly affects yourbudget/costs.

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